Walter’s Brook had become degraded due to large sediment deposits washing in from drain outlets and severe bank erosion due to inappropriate alignment of the drainage channel (pictured above).
Perth’s City of Vincent engaged Natural AreaManagement Services (NAMS) for remediation of this waterway due to their expertise in foreshore rehabilitation. Erosion in the area was mitigated with a combination of soft and hard engineered techniques. Straightening of the drainage channel was achieved using Linkweld® Weldmesh Gabion walls and Link® Mattresses. These structures were used to diffuse the resulting impact of increased water velocities through the channel. The Linkweld® Weldmesh Gabions were terraced back into the bank on either side of the brook to provide stability to the banks and to prevent any erosion. Link® PVC coated Rock Mattresses were placed at the base of the brook to protect it from potential scouring during high flow events.
All LinkWeld® Weldmesh Gabions and Link® Mattreses are manufactured to the highest quality standards with certification from the British Board of Agrement (BBA).
It is critical that a BBA Certified system with a proven track record of durability is installed where these aggressive hydraulic environments exist. The Galfan coating was the preferred choice for the Linkweld® Weldmesh Gabions and Link® PVC coated Mattresses for the base of this section of Walter’s Brook.