ARMORMAX® is an Engineered Earth Armoring Solution used for surficial slope stability as well as permanent erosion control in vegetated and un-vegetated applications. With a verified carbon footprint up to thirty times less than rock riprap or concrete, ARMORMAX® 75 is an environmentally friendly and cost effective alternative to traditional, “hard” armouring solutions used for stabilising the face of steep slopes and flood protection levees.
It is designed to optimise rapid vegetation growth (where needed) and keep the soil in place, thereby resisting mobilisation of soil masses associated with sliding failures of slopes. This system can be used for shallow failures and deep-seated rotational failures, and will be designed to meet project’s hydraulic, geotechnical, design life, environmental and economic needs.
Part 1 of this webinar series will feature the 20 years of research and field trials, sustainability evaluation, design guidelines, and appropriate applications of this system.
Surficial slope stability with engineered earth armouring - Part 1