The Project
Southern Region Waste Resource Authority (SRWRA) is a regional subsidiary established by the Cities of Onkaparinga, Marion and Holdfast Bay, located in Adelaide’s Southern suburbs. This site is one of the major waste disposal sites in metropolitan Adelaide, receiving in excess of 160,000 tonnes of waste annually.
The landfill operation, which for many years operated as a traditional landfill site, is now a modern, well-managed waste disposal site that reflects the best landfill waste technologies and construction methods available, complying with or exceeding legislative and design requirements.
The operation employs a landfill manager and 7 on site personnel operating a variety of its own earthmoving and landfill equipment.
The Challenges
This landfill is unique as the current operating waste containment cell (Cell 4) is not expected to reach its capacity for over 23 years. As the waste body in this cell increases in height, the existing embankments periodically require elevating and relining.
As per strict EPA guidelines and third-party specifications, a Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) is to be installed over each successive prepared cell wall.
Our Solution
Bentofix® B4600 Geosynthetic Clay Liner was selected and approved for this installation. With several types and brands of Geosynthetic Clay Liners available in Australia, Bentofix® B4600 was best suited for this specific application for several reasons:
Increased Sodium Bentonite Clay (powdered) content for maximum barrier performance
Superior ‘peel strength’ characteristics providing multi-directional internal shear strength
Tailored geotextile mass selection to ensure site-specific puncture protection
Excellent ability to withstand differential settlement
5 metre roll width to minimise overlap wastage
Self-sealing roll edge overlaps
The Bentofix® B4600 satisfied all the technical requirements of SRWRA’s designers and was quickly and easily installed by the landfill operator using specialised lifting equipment provided by Global Synthetics.