The Project
The City of Wanneroo in WA needed to solve the site drainage issues for a new subdivision near Landsdale Road. The consulting engineers on this project in Wanneroo chose several Global Synthetics products to overcome the drainage problems on site.
Our Solution
Global Synthetics designed a system involving ProTank® and Ellipse® modular water tank modules in conjunction with Rocla Plastream® slotted pipe. This ensured the engineers could meet the stringent requirements of the City of Wanneroo and solve the site drainage issues for the subdivision.
The Global Synthetics design provides unrestricted access for inspection and cleaning out of any storm drainage debris while preventing any of this material from entering the underground infiltration modules.
The benefits of this design compared to more traditional systems include:
Easy clean out due to a fully rigid pipe surface
Total prevention of drainage debris from entering infiltration modules
Greater rates of infiltration due to a larger wetted surface area
Greater storage capacity to excavation ratio, due to modules having a 95% void
A smaller footprint results in less excavation and less land being lost for drainage
Less overall design height allows installation in areas with a high water table
High compressive strength enables minimum cover for trafficable areas
Substantially less crushed rock required compared to other systems
All these benefits add up to fast installation, easy maintenance and a lower overall cost.
Also, the modular design of the ProTank® / Ellipse® allows multiple structural ‘plates’ which further increase the compressive strength to cater for increased static or dynamic loads.
TheProTank® / Ellipse® system is purpose-designed to provide stormwater infiltration and water harvesting for a variety of applications including public open spaces, sports fields, road kerb and gutters, swale drains and car parks, along with roof and paved surface collection.
Contact our engineering team for geosynthetic drainage solutions
Global Synthetics provides a complete range of geocomposite drainage products and systems for complete point source water management.Our drainage products and systems are designed to manage stormwater as a resource, and enhance the social and environmental amenity of the urban landscape. Contact our team for more information or take a look at the ProTank specifications.