Case Study: Miracell® Brunei Highway
Location: Airport Highway, Brunei
Products: Miracell® MCP-075-30
General Information
Part of existing Shot Crete wall along Airport Highway collapsed due to soil erosion underneath the concreted surface. Surface water runoff from the adjoining hill and water infiltration has caused gradual removal of soil through the cracks in concreted surface until it failed.
Options available for repair included Soil Nail with Shot Crete surface, Earth anchors with cast in-situ concrete slabs, trimming back of slope and Cellular Confinement System.
The appearance of new construction had to blend with the un-damaged slopes with slope angle of nearly 70 degrees to horizontal. MiraCell® CCS was finally selected to stabilize slope and prevent further erosion due to easy and rapid installation with minimum use of machinery thus providing economical solution.
75mm high standard cell MiraCell®, MC-075-30 was installed on prepared slope and secured with steel J-pin anchors.
MiraCell® sections were infilled with concrete to flush with the top of cell walls. Weep holes were provided in concrete at every 2m horizontal spacing in two rows using 75mm dia.. PVC pipe embedded in concrete. The MiraCell® CCS gave a cost effective solution while ensuring system stability, flexibility and desired appearance.