The Challenge
The Kempsey Shire Council needed to construct a new waste cell, Cell 4, at the Waste Management Centre on Crescent Head Road to reduce the stress on the local environment and to ensure the council’s waste disposal needs for the next five years.
The Solution
Global Synthetics, a leading provider of geosynthetic products, was brought on to supply a number of critical geosynthetic components to the project. All products met stringent quality testing requirements, where site samples are independently assessed for compliance with the project specification. These products included up to 22,000m2 for each geoproduct layer and consisted of the following:
Geofirma® AS270C filter fabric
Acegrid® GG120 120kN/m veneer soil reinforcement geogrid
ProFab® woven 90kN/m biaxial strength black UV resistant geotextile
ProFab® woven 35kN/m biaxial separation geotextile
8mm Geonet drainage geocomposite
The Result
The completion of Cell 4 at the Waste Management Centre is a major achievement for the Kempsey Shire Council and a testament to the hard work and dedication of the council staff, contractors, and suppliers like Global Synthetics. The new waste cell will help to protect the local environment and ensure that the council's waste disposal needs are met for years to come.
The use of geosynthetic products in the construction of Cell 4 was vital to the success of the project. These products provide a barrier between the waste and the surrounding environment, helping to prevent contamination and protect the local ecosystem. They also helped improve the structural integrity of the waste cell, ensuring that it will be able to withstand the weight and pressure of the waste it will contain. Global Synthetics was able to provide the necessary geosynthetic components and meet the project’s stringent quality testing requirements, making the construction of Cell 4 a success.
For any questions regarding landfill applications please contact the Tech Team at Global Synthetics.
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