Event: Increasing the Capacity of an Active Landfill
Organised by the Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association of Australia (WMRR).
This webinar is an opportunity to catch one of the highlights from the 2023 Australian Landfill and Transfer Stations Conference. Join us for this engaging webinar featuring the “Great Wall of Western Sydney,” the proud recipient of WMRR’s Outstanding Innovation, Project, or Facility – Landfill award.
The webinar will be expertly hosted by WMRR CEO, Gayle Sloan.
Amir Shahkolahi: National Technical Manager at Global Synthetics, will present his paper, “A Unique Sustainable Solution to Increase the Capacity of Active Landfills”.
Daniel Wright: Landfill Manager at Cleanaway’s Kemps Creek Site, and Gary Schemertmann, Technical Executive, GeoEnvironmental Engineering from WSP, will present their paper on the project, “The Great Wall of Western Sydney: Increasing Landfill Capacity with an MSE Retaining Wall at Erskine Park Landfill.”
Event Details