Geosynthetics have been successfully used in the construction of roads and railways for decades. They fulfil all the classic functions of drainage, filtration, separation, reinforcement, retaining and erosion control, allowing engineers and civil contractors to deliver strong, reliable solutions that will last for many years.
Global Synthetics supplies a range of products covering all applications, starting from site establishment through to project completion.
The following helps outline which geosynthetic products can assist with road and rail construction throughout different stages of a project.
1. Site Establishment and Sediment Control
Setting up a road or rail construction site includes protecting the surrounding environment from damage while construction is taking place.
Geosynthetic products can be used to prevent silt, sediment and runoff from entering stormwater drains or sensitive aquatic areas, whilst natural biodegradable products like coir logs can be installed to help with temporary erosion control.
Taking delivery of fill and establishing stockpiles is also an important part of site establishment, and geosynthetics can be used to cover and contain stockpiles and create temporary dams.
Geosynthetic solutions for Site Establishment and Sediment Control
ProLiner® Superflex LLDPE Geomembrane for temporary turkey nest liners
ProFab® Silt Curtains for sediment control within water bodies in construction zones
ProFab® Silt Fence, Silt Bags, Silt Socks and Coir Logs for controlling silt and sediment runoff
2. Dewatering, Drainage and Filtration
Managing site water is vital to the success of road and rail projects. Whether you need to install drainage for ongoing water management, dewater saturated areas or manage subsoil drainage to prevent pavement cracking, Global Synthetics has a range of geosynthetics that are specifically designed to shift water in the desired direction.
Geosynthetic solutions for Dewatering, Drainage and Filtration
CeTau® Wick Drains for dewatering of water-saturated soils
ProFab® and Geofirma® nonwoven filter geotextiles for subsoil drainage and filtration
ProPipe corrugated slotted subsoil drainage pipe with or without filter sock for subsoil drainage and base of retaining structures
ProDrain® strip filter drains for drainage at the base of retaining structures
ProDrain® cuspated sheet drains for drainage behind retaining structures
PaveDrain® for highway edge drains
3. Subgrade and Sub-base Separation and Reinforcement
A well-prepared subgrade creates the foundation for a successful road or rail project. Dealing with subgrades that have a low bearing capacity (CBR) is a common challenge in many civil projects, making geosynthetics a critical component in subgrade separation and reinforcement.
Reinforcing the subgrade and separating fill layers creates a strong, rigid base on which to construct heavy-duty pavements, rail lines, and other transport infrastructure.
Geosynthetic solutions for Subgrade and Sub-base Separation and Reinforcement
ProFab® and Geofirma® nonwoven separation geotextiles – these products are also used for rock protection and MSE wall structures
ACETex® high-strength woven geotextiles for basal reinforcement as well as reinforced working platforms and bridge abutments
Secugrid® biaxial naked geogrids for subbase reinforcement
Combigrid® geocomposite geogrid (or magic carpet as we like to call it) provides subbase reinforcement and separation all in one product in lieu of having to lay a geogrid and geotextile separately
4. Retaining Structures
Retaining walls and reinforced slopes require strong, reliable reinforcement to prevent failure and ensure good long-term drainage. In the case of vegetated slopes, a strong support structure to assist with and reinforce plant growth can help weather the elements for many years.
Geosynthetic solutions for Retaining Structures
ACEGrid® uniaxial geogrids for retaining wall and segmental block reinforcement
ProGrid® biaxial geogrid for block ties
Link gabions and Linkweld® gabions for building retaining walls
Pyrawall® engineered wrap-face vegetated solution for constructing reinforced-earth walls and steepened slopes
Terralink® soil reinforcement system for slopes and walls
5. Asphalt Reinforcement and Sealing
For civil contractors working on asphalt roads and highways, it’s vital to deliver a cost-effective project whilst minimising future maintenance requirements due to damage arising from wheel rutting, cracks and potholes.
Products like asphalt reinforcement grids and paving fabrics help to prolong the service life of the pavement, by dispersing cyclic vehicle loading and lowering reflective cracking occurrence caused by temperature fluctuations and moisture ingress.
Geosynthetic solutions for Asphalt Reinforcement and Sealing
ProGrid® Glass Fibre and Polyester geogrids and geocomposites provide reinforcement and stress relief
ProPave® paving fabric is used to create Geotextile Reinforced Seals (GRS), which helps eliminate water intrusion through the asphalt and slow reflective cracking, in turn extending service life and reducing maintenance frequency.
6. Erosion Control
Both temporary and permanent erosion control measures help to ensure areas within new road and rail projects reserves are protected from erosion and scouring caused by adverse weather events whilst the project is settling in. Short-term erosion and scour can be combated with biodegradable coir and jute meshes, logs and fabrics, helping vegetation to establish and preventing soil loss on slopes and banks.
For slopes and batters, Turf Reinforcement Mats (TRMs) provide the necessary protection against long-term scour, offering a matrix that promotes vegetation, and reinforces root systems, providing a robust and flexible erosion protection system.
Geosynthetics for Erosion Control
Biodegradable Jute Mesh, Jute Mats and Coir Mesh for short-term scour protection
Propex synthetic High-Performance Turf Reinforcement Mats (HPTRMS) for long-term scour protection of vegetated or unvegetated slopes and channels
Miracell® geocellular confinement system for slope and channel protection and base stabilisation
Global Synthetics are the Australian owned suppliers of Geosynthetics for Road and Rail Infrastructure projects
Are you currently working on a road or rail infrastructure project? The engineering team at Global Synthetics has extensive experience in the selection and supply of high quality geosynthetics for civil and transport infrastructure projects.
Contact us for high-performance products, excellent support and knowledgeable advice.