Event: GCL Hydration – Effect of Subgrade Conditions on Geosynthetic Clay Liner Hydration and Performance
The performance of a Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) and a Composite Liner depends on many parameters. The first component is the GCL subgrade. Most of the time, this important part is missing or underestimating in designs and specifications. This geosynthetics technical webinar series for barriers starts from the first important component which is the subgrade. The webinar shares the latest international and local updates and research findings including design considerations and latest discussions from International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Technical workshops and conferences.
Key learnings:
Importance and difference between GCL hydration and degree of saturation
Effect of subgrade grain size distribution
Effect of initial water content
Effect of subgrade mineralogy
Effect of groundwater
Effect of subgrade water content
Effect of Pore water chemistry
Event Details